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June 26, 2019

Our younger loves to play games on his iPad. I mean, what kid doesn't? He also needs help with math. Math just doesn't make sense to him and he has struggled recently with it. I was so excited that we were given the chance to review Matific Galaxy for these reasons! It...

June 24, 2019

Everyone's home needs to be cleaned. We have always believed that if you live in the home, you need to contribute to taking care of it. Once they are old enough to play with toys, they are taught how to put them away. A young child who is sitting can put the toys back...

June 19, 2019

How many of you have a difficult time teaching and grading writing? Anyone? Anyone? Is it just me? I hope not. I have always found that teaching and grading writing are very difficult for me to do as a homeschooling mom. To me, writing can be very subjective, so it is...

June 17, 2019

Summer is in full swing now and, for most of us, it's hot outside. We live in Arizona, so it's extra hot! We are in full blown 100s now. That means that my kids want to stay inside even more than usual.

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