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March 28, 2019

** This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. There are also links on this page that if you simply click on them, that will benefit our family with no purchase necessary. Thank you for supporting our...

March 23, 2019

** This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. There are also links on this page that if you simply click on them, that will benefit our family with no purchase necessary. Thank you for supporting our...

March 22, 2019

Have I ever told you that our 9 year old likes to do projects. He is a Lego building, paper crafting, hands on learner that loves to do projects. He asks me if he has any projects for school and I usually have to tell him, "No, I'm sorry dear." When I heard about the S...

March 20, 2019

We have always loved history. My high school history teachers got me interested in history becuase they taught it as a story and not just a bunch of people's names and dates. That's why we have loved Drive Thru History® in the past. We just knew that we would love thei...