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Goals for the New Year

January 5, 2020

Can you believe that the new year is upon us? It seems surreal to think that it's been a whole other year. This is the time of the year that I like to take time to reflect on the past year and then look to the future.


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Here are the questions that I ask myself about schooling in the past year and what the upcoming new year:


* What were the events of this past year?


* How far have the boys come in their schooling?


* Where do the boys need to go in their schooling?


* What went well this year?


* What could have gone better?


* What do I want to keep the same?


* What do we need to change?


* How can we improve on what we are already doing?


These questions really seem to help me focus on what we need to do and where we want to get to this year.


How would you answer these questions? We would love for you to and let us know! I'd love to hear what you need to help in your homeschooling goals?

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