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October 31, 2016

Little Miss Bossy is so bossy! Come and listen to Grandma read about how Little Miss Bossy learns to be nice.

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October 27, 2016

When children are learning how to write, they really need help from guidelines on their paper to know how to make their letters the correct size. Now that he's learning cursive, it's difficult for our youngest (2nd grade) to make his letters the correct size on regular...

In our Homeschool4life world, everything can become learning...Even making cookies! We were at my parents house the other day and my mom and our youngest son were going to make some chocolate chip cookies. We started talking about all of the parts of making cookies and...

October 14, 2016

When we're teaching our children about greater than & less than, it starts out going well. Our children can understand that certain numbers are larger than others.  The part that brings them to a screeching halt is when they have to start using that greater than / less...