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July 17, 2019

While I was still pregnant, I started searching apps on my phone that have to do with babies. I found Baby Tracker, for FREE, and I am so glad that I did! 

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July 15, 2019

It's been 10 years since the last time I have had a baby, so I kind of forgot what to bring to the hospital with us when it's time to deliver our precious bundle. I went on Pinterest to find a list that I could go off of. That was a mistake.

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July 8, 2019

Gestational diabetes and hypertension can be serious problems during a pregnancy, if not taken care of or treated properly. I wanted to just let you all know what we are doing about these in this pregnancy so maybe it will help one of you going through the same thing!


July 1, 2019

As you may already know, I am pregnant with our third child. I am currently in my last trimester and we are all excited to meet our little bundle of joy! It has been 10 years since our last baby (Surprise!) and so we have nothing left from the other boys. We have been...