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Teach All Day - By Talking With Your Kids

August 26, 2016


We homeschool parents are with our children a lot. Sometimes it can be an overwhelming thought thinking that we need to be teaching our children all day every day. Actually that’s easier than you may think.


We think that we have to study and know all of the right answers. But, you see, you already have so much knowledge that your kids would love to hear. All it takes it for you to talk with them. Now, I don’t mean sit your kids down and lecture them all day long (even though that might be necessary sometimes). 

I just mean talk. 


As you’re eating breakfast, talk about what they dreamed about the previous night. While you’re driving to the library, talk with them about what books they want to check out. As you’re at the grocery store, talk with them about needing a budget and how to shop for a meal. 


Just talk. 


Once conversation starts, it’s easier to continue. You don’t have to have an agenda or a list of things that you want to cover in that day’s conversation. Just talk.


Don’t forget to listen, as well. 


Listen to what you’re kids actually saying. Listen to their hearts. Let them open themselves up to you and feel safe sharing their thoughts with you. This will open the way to conversation with you as they grow older. 


Talking with your kids will teach them many things. All you have to do is be open to conversation.




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