As you all may know, I teach English online to children in China. Some of them celebrate Christmas, while others don't. Most of them are interested and curious about how we celebrate Christmas in America. I thought that it would be a great learning activity to make word cards to show them pictures of decorations and symbols of Christmas along with the written words. That way we can have a conversation in English about it. That's why I made these Christmas word cards. I thought that you all would like them as well!

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I have included some religious word cards that I obviously won't use with my Chinese children. Those are just for you all. Just click on the picture to print them out.
There are so many ways that you can use these cards. Here are just a few ways:
Put them in alphabetical order
Use them as spelling words
Hide them around the house and have your children find them. They have to then read the word and use it in a sentence.
Use 5, 10, or all of the cards in a story
Put each of the cards in envelopes. Have your children pick one each day. That could be the word of the day. Every time someone sees the item or says the word, they get a prize!
Make a Christmas book with them

We would love to hear how you and your family use them.
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