Books are amazing. They can take you on adventures, help you think about different situations, or teach you something. I am not an avid reader. It really has to be an interesting and engaging book in order to keep my attention. A few of my favorites are Little Women, Ghost in the Garden, and Abe Lincoln Gets a Chance. My absolute favorite book has to be Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. This is a book that I read to each of my classes when I taught in the public school. I have also read it with our oldest son. We were given the opportunity to review the LitWits Kits by LitWits. There was a kit just for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and so I jumped at the chance to go through it with our middle son.

LitWit Kits are basically activities to do with books. These activities bring the books to life and make them real and understandable to the children. They are no longer just reading a book to read it. They are experiencing the book and learning to love literature.
We were able to choose four LitWit Kits to keep. We chose Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Charlotte's Web, and Journey to the Center of the Earth. I had our 10 year help me pick from all of the wonderful books to choose from. There were too many for me to pick from and, since he'll be the one working through the books, I thought that it would be best for him to choose. I think that he chose wonderful books and I can't wait to go through them all!

During the review, we worked through the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory book, and it was a blast! First of all, as I said before, it is my favorite book of all time. I mean, a book about a chocolate? Who doesn't love that? I also remember reading it with my mom when I was in elementary school, 6th grade, I think. She whipped out a candy bar when we got to the chapter of when Charlie finds the golden ticket. We opened up the candy bar at the same time and, guess what? There was a $5 bill wrapped around the chocolate! My mom had put it in there before she gave it to me. My parents also did that when my friends and I watched the movie when I was in high school. They really knew how to bring the book to life.
That's exactly what LitWits has done with their LitWits Kits. They have gone through these fantastic books and given you ideas on how to expand on the books to make them real to your children or students. I say, students, because these activities could very well be used in a classroom. I could see myself doing some of these with my students in public school. Where were LitWits Kits when I needed them back then?

They have taken all of the work out of it for you. You just need to download the activity ideas and choose which ones that you want to do. There are worksheets with questions to answer, projects to make, and even thought provoking activities. One of the activities was to have your children screw on and off the lid to the toothpaste tube, just like Mr. Bucket. Another one was to make a meal just like what Charlie ate.
Listen to what our 10 year old said about the activities that we did with the book:
I really liked the book. I really liked that it was chocolate! My favorite activity was when I had to make a new kind of treat. My treat was a chocolate cookie with white chocolate chips. I put marshmallow cream on top with a hot cocoa kiss on top. Everyone thought that it was really good. I called them the Hot Cocoa Cookie. I also really liked building a house out of chocolate. It was great to make a chocolate house and it was delicious to eat afterwards.
We really love LitWits Kits by LitWits! They make it easy to experience books and make children love them!
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