December 25th is the day we celebrate Jesus' birth. Most theologians will tell us that Jesus was probably not born on that date because the Bible does not tell us the date. Some of us are quick, sometimes, to point that out which only confuses new Christians and non-believers. But, does it really matter?

Long ago, that date was picked as the day to celebrate His birth. Some good reasons why, but the real date is not known. It might have been picked because it was the shortest day of light. Light continues to grow each day after that. Jesus brought light into the world.
Many things we celebrate didn't really happen on that day, but that date was picked as the day of celebration. Even the 4th of July isn't really the date we received our independence, but it was the date the Declaration of Independence was signed. Independence from England was declared on July 2nd when the 2nd Continental Congress approved the resolution of independence.
So, what is important is that God sent His Son to us to grow up as a child in our world to experience our problems and trials on a daily basis. One of my favorite Bible verses is John 16:33, "In this world you will have great tribulation. But, be of good cheer for I have overcome the world." He experienced the troubles is our world, so He knows what we go through every day and can help us through them.
After 33 years, He died on the cross for us and our salvation. This really only means if we believe in Him and follow Him, we will go to heaven to live with Him forever. Christmas is really only a start of our relationship with Him. Billy Graham said, "If you want to know what God looks like, take a good look at Jesus Christ. He is God in human form."