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While we were at the library last week, our youngest son said that he had a great idea for our blog. He said that I should make a Thanksgiving board game. I said that I was already making a new Thanksgiving BINGO game and left it at that. He seemed disappointed, but he quickly moved on to finding new videos to borrow.
Then I remembered what I read in Lisa Tanner Writing's Balancing Diapers and Deadlines. She said that we should try to get our children involved in the work that we do and let them help. This was the perfect opportunity! I wrote in on my list of things to make so that I would be able to talk to him more about it later.
So a couple of days go by and Grandma Edie was over to visit. Our youngest and her were playing video games together, our oldest was playing on his iPad, and I was working on my computer. This was the perfect opportunity for a discussion on the Thanksgiving board game idea.
So I asked him what his thoughts were about it. He was both surprised and excited that I wanted to use one of his ideas. You know what, he had some great ideas! He sees things differently than I do and I seem to get in a rut. His ideas are fresh and new. That's when the Thanksgiving Dinner Adventure Printable Board Game was born (ok it was really created, but you know what I mean).
Here's what we came up with:
* It's Thanksgiving Day and your family is coming over for dinner
* You have to get your house ready and prepare the meal before they get there
* As you go about your day, there are 9 things that you need to accomplish before you get to the end
Watch this video to see what it's all about!
Everything is Printable!!
(even the die needed to roll for your turn)
Here's what you need to do:
1) Print Everything
from the pictures below.
I would suggest that you print everything on cardstock
and then laminate it all so that you can play it more than once.
2) Cut Everything
and make your die - a little bit of tape is needed
3) Put the Board Game Together
Just cut on the dotted lines and tape together
4) Play the game
* If you land on a picture square, you get the matching card
* The person who has the most cards at the end of the game - WINS!
(there are 9 total)
I think that his idea turned out great! Go and print it out and get ready for Thanksgiving!

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