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FREE Printable 2019/2020 Calendar

August 14, 2019

In Arizona, we don't have to keep track of the days that we homeschool, but I still like to. That's why I made this 2019/2020 calendar.


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I thought that you all might be able to use it as well. Sometimes I just need a year at a glance and this always comes in handy. I keep it right inside of my homeschooling binder for the year so that it's easily accessible. 


Here are ways that this simple printout can come in handy:


* A year-at-a-glance calendar

* Attendance Tracker - Print one out for each of your children. Write one line through the date for a half day and an "x" if a full day of schooling.

* Keep track of breaks - This allows me to schedule out our breaks throughout the year. We usually school for 6-7 weeks at a time and then we take a week off.

* Keep track of holidays and special days - Just circle the date when there is a holiday to remind you of a holiday that you want to remember is coming up.


I'm sure that you all can think of many other uses for this simple calendar. I would love to hear how you use it. Email us at info@www.homeschool4life.org and let us know!


Click on the picture below to print it out!



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