
The Old Schoolhouse® Homeschool Planner Review


Doctor visits, home repairs, birthdays, summer camp, extracurricular activities, etc. The boys have Yu Gi Oh games on the first two Sundays, Grandma and Grandpa are moving, and the dishwasher repairman is coming when? Trying to keep everything straight and not miss out on anything can make any parent go crazy. Let alone a homeschooling family. Add in all of the curriculum, lessons, activities, and materials that need to be taken care of and kept track of for homeschooling each and every one of our children. There has to be a way to keep everything organized. The Old Schoolhouse® has a planner called Hey, Mama! Homeschool Planner for 2019/20 Year written by Gena Suarez for ust this reason.

I seem to go back and forth between a computer or technology based planner and a paper and pencil one. There is just something about writing everything down on paper that helps keep it straight in my mind. I my second trimester of this pregnancy I found that my mind was a jumbled mess and I was really struggling to keep everything right. That's when we were offered a chance to review the Hey, Mama! Homeschool Planner. It came just at the right time!


It starts in July of 2019 and runs through June of 2020. I quickly went through and added in birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays because those are the easy ones to forget until the last minute. I also wrote in the weeks that I am pregnant to be able to keep track of those dates a little easier as well. Then I took some time to check out all of the other wonderful pages in this planner. 


It's probably silly, but I think that my favorite part, other than the month to month calendar, is the year at a glance calendars of 2019, 2020, and 2021! I find that I need to count weeks, find out what day a birthday is on, or look to see how many paychecks we will get in a given month. These year at a glance calendars are priceless in my opinion.


Another large portion of this planner is the week at a glance homeschooling planner. This is made for up to five children. I have only two children that I will be homeschooling this year, with a newborn on the side. I know that having the availability for up to five children will really help some larger families. These pages are basically like a regular school planner. It gives a place for you to keep track of the day to day lessons for each child. There are enough weeks to fill a regular school year, so you don't even need to make copies. Great thinking!


Towards the back of the planner, there are planning pages for each of your children. These include a blank note taking page, curriculum planning, books read this year, yearly goals, first semester goals, and second semester goals. Does your state require you to keep track of how many days that you homeschool? Mine doesn't, but I like to keep track anyways just for my own information. They have added in an attendance page for each child as well!


Not only does this planner give you all that you'll need for this homeschool year's planning, there are devotionals sprinkled throughout it. This Old Schoolhouse is all about encouraging the homeschool family and they have that included even in their planner. There are devotionals  about field trips, being anxious, squabbling kids, perserverance, and more! 


There is one thing that I wanted to make you all aware of. The month at a glance calendar for November has a problem with the dates. After I found the problem (after I had already written birthdays in there) I simply scratched out the wrong dates and wrote in the correct ones. No biggie. 


I am grateful for this beautiful Hey, Mama! Homeschool Planner for 2019/20 Year by The Old Schoolhouse®. I am looking forward to using it this year to keep myself more organized with our homeschooling.

Go and see what the other reviewers thought!


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